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SG18. 1857 3d Red Very fine used with large margins all sides...
SG18. 1857 3d Red Very fine used with large margins all sides...

SG13a. 1861 1d Carmine. Very fine used pair...
SG13a. 1861 1d Carmine. Very fine used pair...

SG19. 1900 3d Pale blue/blue. Superb fine used on small piece...
SG19. 1900 3d Pale blue/blue. Superb fine used on small piece...

SG52. 1897 £10 Black and yellow. Brilliant fine used...
SG52. 1897 £10 Black and yellow. Brilliant fine used...

SG33a. 1881 1/2d on 6d Bright green 'Unsevered Pair'. Very fine
SG33a. 1881 1/2d on 6d Bright green 'Unsevered Pair'. Very fine

SG22. 1916 1/- Mauve. Superb fresh unused...
SG22. 1916 1/- Mauve. Superb fresh unused...

SG11ac. 1893 4 1/2a Brown-purple 'Horizontal Piar, Imperforate b
SG11ac. 1893 4 1/2a Brown-purple 'Horizontal Piar, Imperforate b

SG104s. 1925 £75 Purple and grey 'SPECIMEN'. Brilliant fresh U/
SG104s. 1925 £75 Purple and grey 'SPECIMEN'. Brilliant fresh U/

SG103s. 1922 £50 Black and brown 'SPECIMEN'. Brilliant fresh mi
SG103s. 1922 £50 Black and brown 'SPECIMEN'. Brilliant fresh mi

SG99b. 1942 1 1/2d Red-brown 'Roulette Omitted' Brilliant fresh
SG99b. 1942 1 1/2d Red-brown 'Roulette Omitted' Brilliant fresh

SG105b 1891 3c Bright vermilion 'IMPERFORATE'. Superb fresh mint
SG105b 1891 3c Bright vermilion 'IMPERFORATE'. Superb fresh mint

SG12d. 1888 1/2d Green 'Overprint Omitted'. Superb fresh U/M min
SG12d. 1888 1/2d Green 'Overprint Omitted'. Superb fresh U/M min

SG281 Variety. 1928 10c Green 'Imperforate Vertically, Horizonta
SG281 Variety. 1928 10c Green 'Imperforate Vertically, Horizonta

SG R8. 1875 8c Bright blue. Very fine fresh mint...
SG R8. 1875 8c Bright blue. Very fine fresh mint...

SG73-80. 1921 Set of 8 plus all shades. Superb fresh mint...
SG73-80. 1921 Set of 8 plus all shades. Superb fresh mint...

SG1. 1853 1d Pale rose-red. Superb fresh UNUSED with beautiful c
SG1. 1853 1d Pale rose-red. Superb fresh UNUSED with beautiful c

SG1a. 1853 1d Deep brick-red. Superb fresh mint with beautiful c
SG1a. 1853 1d Deep brick-red. Superb fresh mint with beautiful c

SG5. 1857 1d Brick-red/cream toned paper. Brilliant fine used pa
SG5. 1857 1d Brick-red/cream toned paper. Brilliant fine used pa

1855. 1d Dull Rose Plate Proof on Ungummed...
1855. 1d Dull Rose Plate Proof on Ungummed...

1855 4d Blue/blued paper Plate Proof. Superb with beautiful colo
1855 4d Blue/blued paper Plate Proof. Superb with beautiful colo

SG5a. 1858 1d Rose. Superb fresh mint pair...
SG5a. 1858 1d Rose. Superb fresh mint pair...

SG5b. 1858 1d Deep rose-red. Superb fresh mint pair...
SG5b. 1858 1d Deep rose-red. Superb fresh mint pair...

SG5ba. 1858 1d Deep rose-red 'Watermark Sideways' Superb fresh..
SG5ba. 1858 1d Deep rose-red 'Watermark Sideways' Superb fresh..

SG8b. 1859 1/- Deep dark green. Superb fresh sheet marginal mint
SG8b. 1859 1/- Deep dark green. Superb fresh sheet marginal mint

SG13. 1861 1d Vermilion. Very fine fresh UNUSED...
SG13. 1861 1d Vermilion. Very fine fresh UNUSED...

SG24. 1859 1d Red-brown/grey. Wrapper to Marseilles... £3,250.00
SG24. 1859 1d Red-brown/grey. Wrapper to Marseilles...

SG24. 1859.

1d Red-brown/grey.  Latest Impression.

Wrapper addressed to Marseilles bearing superb used example with very large margins. Red 'Marseilles 3 JUN 59' (arrival) c.d.s. on the front. Backstamped with wonderful complete strike of 'PACKET LETTER MAURITIUS MY 9 1859' (Kanai II-C2).

David Brandon Certificate.

Rare and Exceptional.

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Gems Of Philately more
SG20a. 1883 8c Orange. 'Overprint Inverted'. Very fine fresh min
SG20a. 1883 8c Orange. 'Overprint Inverted'. Very fine fresh min

SG18a. 1897 2c on 5c. 'UNSEVERED PAIR'. Superb fresh well centre
SG18a. 1897 2c on 5c. 'UNSEVERED PAIR'. Superb fresh well centre

SG85a. 1920 1/- Orange-yellow and red-orange. 'FRAME INVERTED'.
SG85a. 1920 1/- Orange-yellow and red-orange. 'FRAME INVERTED'.

SG96. 1919 10/- Black. "THE HOLY GRAIL". A brilliant...
SG96. 1919 10/- Black. "THE HOLY GRAIL". A brilliant...

SG10. 1852 4c Black/deep blue - A remarkable pair...
SG10. 1852 4c Black/deep blue - A remarkable pair...

SG3. 1848 1d Orange-vermilion. A Titan Of Empire Philately!
SG3. 1848 1d Orange-vermilion. A Titan Of Empire Philately!

SG39a,39ab. 1859 2d Blue. 'MAURITUIS' for 'MAURITIUS'. UNIQUE...
SG39a,39ab. 1859 2d Blue. 'MAURITUIS' for 'MAURITIUS'. UNIQUE...

SG40. 1859 2d Deep blue. 'SHERWIN' Pair On Cover...
SG40. 1859 2d Deep blue. 'SHERWIN' Pair On Cover...

1840. 2d Bright Blue. Plate 1. Lettered Q-G. Remarkable mint...
1840. 2d Bright Blue. Plate 1. Lettered Q-G. Remarkable mint...

SG103. 1922 £50 Black and brown. Very choice superb fresh mint.
SG103. 1922 £50 Black and brown. Very choice superb fresh mint.

SG136b. 1934 1pi 'Imperf Between Horizontal Pair'. Unique Corner
SG136b. 1934 1pi 'Imperf Between Horizontal Pair'. Unique Corner

1840. 1d Black. Plate 11. Lettered L-J/L-L. Remarkable mint stri
1840. 1d Black. Plate 11. Lettered L-J/L-L. Remarkable mint stri

SG235a. 1933 $4.50 on 75c Yellow-brown. 'SURCHARGE INVERTED'...
SG235a. 1933 $4.50 on 75c Yellow-brown. 'SURCHARGE INVERTED'...

SG64a. 1939 2 1/2d Magenta and sage-green. 'Imperforate Between'
SG64a. 1939 2 1/2d Magenta and sage-green. 'Imperforate Between'

SG55d. 1898 1d Vermilion and pale ultramarine. 'CENTRE OMITTED'.
SG55d. 1898 1d Vermilion and pale ultramarine. 'CENTRE OMITTED'.

SG111a. 1932 2d Black and green. 'Imperforate Between'. Brillian
SG111a. 1932 2d Black and green. 'Imperforate Between'. Brillian

SG40 & 27. 1859. 'SHERWIN' Combination Cover...
SG40 & 27. 1859. 'SHERWIN' Combination Cover...

SG9. 1853. 2d Deep blue. Fantastic cover bearing strip of 3...
SG9. 1853. 2d Deep blue. Fantastic cover bearing strip of 3...

SG6a. 1851 1/- Dull mauve 'BISECT'. Superb fine used on clean...
SG6a. 1851 1/- Dull mauve 'BISECT'. Superb fine used on clean...

SG628a. 1961 CEPT 10d. Third Stamp MAJOR ERROR "Pale Green (from
SG628a. 1961 CEPT 10d. Third Stamp MAJOR ERROR "Pale Green (from


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