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Latest Additions
SG60. 1923 £1 Black and purple/red. Brilliant fine used on piec
SG98. 1925 £4 Black and magenta. Brilliant fresh mint...
SG99. 1922 £5 Black and blue. Superb fresh mint with beautiful.
SG4a. 1890 1/2a Dull brown 'Imperforate Pair' Superb fine used..
SG8ab. 1893 3a Black/bright red 'Imperforate Pair'. Superb fine
SG11ab. 1893 4 1/2a Brown-purple. 'Imperforate Pair' Superb fine
SG360. 1927 100r Dull purple and blue. Choice brilliant fresh pe
SG1a. 1892 1d Black 'Imperforate Between, Vertical Pair'...
SG A3. 1911 1d Carmine. Superb fine used on piece...
SG1a. 1851 3d Orange-vermillion. 'Laid Paper'. Very fine used sh
SG1. 1851 3d Red 'Laid Paper'. Very fine used with excellent col
SG1. 1851 3d Red 'Laid Paper'. Superb used with beautiful colour
SG17. 1857 1/2d Deep rose. Superb used with GREEN cancel...
SG18b. 1857 3d Red 'Major re-entry'. Choice superb fine used in
SG10. 1852 6d Greenish grey. Very fine used with lovely sharp im
SG18. 1857 3d Red Very fine used with large margins all sides...
SG13a. 1861 1d Carmine. Very fine used pair...
SG19. 1900 3d Pale blue/blue. Superb fine used on small piece...
SG52. 1897 £10 Black and yellow. Brilliant fine used...
SG33a. 1881 1/2d on 6d Bright green 'Unsevered Pair'. Very fine
SG22. 1916 1/- Mauve. Superb fresh unused...
SG11ac. 1893 4 1/2a Brown-purple 'Horizontal Piar, Imperforate b
SG104s. 1925 £75 Purple and grey 'SPECIMEN'. Brilliant fresh U/
SG103s. 1922 £50 Black and brown 'SPECIMEN'. Brilliant fresh mi
SG99b. 1942 1 1/2d Red-brown 'Roulette Omitted' Brilliant fresh
Result Pages:
Product Name+
SG1-9. 1908 Set of 9. Choice superb fresh mint...
SG2a. 1908 1d Red. 'Overprint Omitted, In Pair with Normal'. A b
SG3. 1908 1/- Green and carmine. Post Office fresh block...
SG9. 1908 1/- Green and carmine. Brilliant fresh UNMOUNTED...
SG9. 1908 1/- Green and carmine. Brilliant fresh well...
SG9. 1908 1/- Green and carmine. Brilliant fresh U/M mint block
SG10s-16s. 1910 Set of 7. 'SPECIMEN'. Extremely fine...
SG18-28. 1911 Set of 9. Superb fresh mint...
SG30a. 1921 1d on 5d Sage-green. 'Surcharge Inverted'. Superb mi
SG35. 1920 2d on 40c Red/yellow. Brilliant fresh UNMOUNTED...
SG35. 1911 2d on 40c Red/yellow. Briliant U/M...
SG35. 1911 2d on 40c Red/yellow. A fantastic corner sheet...
SG42a. 1924 5d on 2 1/2d Ultramarine. 'Surcharge Inverted'. Supe
SG42a. 1924 5d on 2 1/2d Ultramarine. 'Surcharge Inverted'. U/M
SG42a. 1924 5d on 2 1/2d Ultramarine. 'Surcharge Inverted'. Supe
SG43-51. 1925 Set of 9. Superb fine used...
SG43-51. 1925 Set of 9. Superb fine used...
SG52-63. 1938 Set of 12. Superb used...
SG52-63. 1938 Set of 12. Superb fresh U/M mint...
SG52-63. 1938 Set of 12. Superb sheet marginal...
SG52-63. 1938 Set of 12. Superb fresh mint...
SG61-63. 1938 2f. to 10f. Extremely fine mint...
SG63. 1938 10fr Violet/blue. Brilliant fresh U/M mint...
SG D1s-D5s. 1925 Set of 5 'SPECIMEN'. Superb fresh mint...
SG D6-D10. 1938 Postage Due set of 5. A beautiful U/M...
SG D6-D10. 1938 Postage Due set of 5. Superb fresh mint...
SG D6-D10. 1938 Postage Due set of 5. Lovely fresh mint...
SG D6-D10. 1938 Postage Due set of 5. Superb fine used...
SG F22-F32. 1913 Set of 11. A superb fine used...
SG F53-F64. 1938 Set of 12. Brilliant fresh U/M sheet marginal..
SG F53-F64. 1938 Set of 12. Very fine fresh mint...
SG F53-F64. 1938 Set of 12. All brilliant fresh U/M matched shee
SG F65-F76. 1941 Set of 12. A superb fine used set...
SG FD65-FD69. 1938 Set of 5. All superb fresh mint...
SG FD65-FD69. 1936 Set of 5. Brilliant fresh U/M mint...
SG FD77-FD81. 1941 Set of 4. Superb fine used...
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Gems Of Philately
1840. 1d Black. Plate 11. Lettered L-J/L-L. Remarkable mint stri
1840. 2d Bright Blue. Plate 1. Lettered Q-G. Remarkable mint...
SG55d. 1898 1d Vermilion and pale ultramarine. 'CENTRE OMITTED'.
SG6b. 1900 1d on 1/2d Vermilion. 'SURCHARGE TETE-BECHE'. The Mos
SG O1. 1934 The UNIQUE Block of FOUR on Cover...
SG103. 1922 £50 Black and brown. Very choice superb fresh mint.
SG70a. 1896 2 1/2d on 2/- Dull lilac. Italic "N". 1 OF ONLY 8...
SG9. 1853. 2d Deep blue. Fantastic cover bearing strip of 3...
SG10. 1852 4c Black/deep blue - A remarkable pair...
SG39a,39ab. 1859 2d Blue. 'MAURITUIS' for 'MAURITIUS'. UNIQUE...
SG37 VARIETY. 1859 2d Blue. "Lapirot". UNIQUE 'INITIAL STATE'...
SG628a. 1961 CEPT 10d. Third Stamp MAJOR ERROR "Pale Green (from
SG3. 1848 1d Orange-vermilion/yellowish. 'Earliest Impression'..
SG136b. 1934 1pi 'Imperf Between Horizontal Pair'. Unique Corner
SG64a. 1939 2 1/2d Magenta and sage-green. 'Imperforate Between'
SG20a. 1883 8c Orange. 'Overprint Inverted'. Very fine fresh min
SG2a. 1908 1d Red. 'Overprint Omitted, In Pair with Normal'. A b
SG54b. 1898 1d 'Without Initals & Centre Inverted'...
SG13ab. 1945 25c Dull purple and scarlet. The Unique and highly
SG M22a. 1915 12 1/2h Drab. 'Pair, One Without Handstamp'. Super
Sunday 16 February, 2025
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